As our lives grow busier, we get secluded in our indoor activities, consuming all types of fatty junk food and what not. Obesity is a very obvious yet unfortunate outcome of our unhealthy living standards. With it comes the predictable rush towards efforts to lose weight. Consequently, we have designed hundreds if not thousands of ways to lose fat and grow slimmer. To ease out your choice of ways, here is a list of the best ways to lose stomach fat.

Don't Eat Sugar
First and foremost, you must make an effort to minimize your consumption of fatty and sweet food. The sucrose we take as common refined sugar comprises of glucose and fructose. The latter can only be digested by our liver. In cases of over consumption of sugar, the liver becomes flooded with fructose and converts it into fat. Instead of losing fat, you will keep gaining weight unless sweet foods and drinks are brought to a minimum.
Increase Fiber Intake
Dietary fiber is a lifesaver when it comes to loosing belly fat. But do not take this the wrong way. Not all fibers are good for weight loss. Viscous fibers are helpful, as they make a viscous gel with water in the gut, easing and slowing down digestion. This keeps nutrients from overflowing into the blood stream. The liver keeps functioning at a normal pace and the digestive system itself gets stronger and healthier. Oats vegetables and fruits are rich sources of viscous fibers. You may go for a supplement as an alternative option to boost your belly fat loss.
Eat Proteins
Try substituting your carbohydrate intake with more of protein rich foods. Meat for once could act as a good substitute diet. Green peas and sword beans are other viable options. A little below 50% of the calories in proteins are burnt in digestion. Consequently you get to save lots of calories: 40 or so calories for each 50 grams of nutrients if you do the math. This has proven to be a successful plan in the long-term. You get to lose more weight with mild exercises.
Sleep Healthy
According to a recent study, sleeping 6-7 hours each night is best for losing weight over a longer span of time than either more or less. Subjects who slept less than five hours and those who slept more than 8 hours each night showed a smaller drop in weight in general compared to those who slept 6 to 7 hours. Getting the right amount of sleep really does help keep stubborn stomach fat at bay. Couple it with other methods of improvements and you are on the right track towards fitness.
Side Planks
Once you are done sorting out your diet plan, comes the exercises. Obviously cardio is the most obvious and the most logical approach, but there are other exercises; some of them aimed at targeting stomach fat and love handles. Try some of these exercises for a change Start with side planks. Hold the position for 30 to 45 seconds for a start, and do the exercise in sets. It focuses on stomach and waist fat.
Alligator Drag
Begin in the normal push up position but with your feet on a plate or something that will slide on the floor with minimal friction. Drag yourself forward with your hands. This exercise has the additional advantage of burning extra calories with the movements and exertion. It is a popular approach for new beginners and should be adopted to lose stomach fat.
Low Belly Leg Reach
This exercise targets the belly fat and corsets. Lie face up with bent knees at an approximate 90 degrees, slightly raise your head with hands clasped behind, as in crunches. Hold the position for 5 seconds then straighten and lower the legs to 45 degrees. Perform this exercise in sets regularly. It has proven to be effective in losing weight to a surprising extent.
Watch Out for Stress
Stress is common. Everyone gets stressed in his daily routine, but to stay in the blue is not only damaging you mentally but also physically. Stress leads to a decreased metabolism. You burn less calories on exercise, and the digestive system deteriorates. If you find yourself in stress situations, try distracting yourself by relaxing with friends and family, meditating or busying yourself in some hobby.
Scale Pose
Difficult to look at but easy to execute, the scale pose is a favorite among experts as it not only lets you lose belly fat and gain abs at an astonishing speed, but also strengthens your pelvic floor. Sit on the floor, cross your legs and place your palms on the floor next to the hips. Slowly try to lift your body and tighten the pelvic floor, all the while supporting the weight of your body on the hands. Maintain the lifted position for three normal breaths and bring yourself down slowly. You can feel the pressure on your belly.
Keep Tab of Your Food, Exercise and Weight
This is essential particularly if you do not have an expert overseeing your schedule. See if you are actually making any progress or not. If the progress is not enough, then where are you erring. This will help you lose weight fast, at the same time keeping you motivated and reminded of your motives. Measure your waist every week or so to keep your spirits high.

With the recent rise in obesity, weight loss exercise and activities have become one of the most sought after subjects of our current race. Although leaving behind all the junk foods and fizzy drinks is a bitter pill to take, when you talk of losing stomach fat, the results are always satisfying. A slim body is above all the most satisfying thing for us all. With this list of dietary habits and exercises, you can lose stomach fat fast. But remember that the best way to lose stomach fat is to believe in yourself and your efforts.
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